The Town Chennimalai is situated about 25kms from Erode Dist. Tamil Nadu, lies South side, which is amidst of Kangayam and Perundurai. This place is an ancient pilgrimage Centre, as well as Asian popular place for the production of Bed sheets, Bedspreads, Pillowcovers and as well as Doormats etc. by means of Handlooms and Power looms. This Industrial city has a remarkable familiarity, of Devotional lyrics of “KANDHA SHASTI KAVASAM” Written by “DEVARAYA SWAMIGAL” which was inaugurated in Chennimalai “MURUGA PERUMAN TEMPLE”. In chennimalai the divine “LORD MURUGA” occupies in every mind and heart of the pilgrims. During “THAI POOSAM” which allures the pilgrimsall over the state and they throng at the time of celebration,. The chennimalai is a memorable place during Indian independence, where “KODIGATHA KUMARAN” sacrificed his soul in order to achieve freedom for our country.